lauantai 4. helmikuuta 2012


It just keeps getting colder. I haven´t gone out all day, no i havent even walked doggie cause she just wont go. She did her business in the bathroom and refuses to go outside. Its now over 30 degrees negative.

My good friend K, who was here last weekend, told me that her cat passed away today. That brought me back memories of when my dog, that i had since i was 9 years old, died 2 years ago. It was so hard. So all the strenght to K, it is so sad but we cant keep our animal friends, or any friends of that matter, forever. I hope she feels better soon and keeps in mind that her pet is now without any pain.

We´re heading that way tomorrow. Man has a game close to where she lives. And we should be staying there after that. But we´ll see how she feels. Its also super bowl tomorrow, so we´ll be staying up all night watching it on tv! Hope everyone has a good weekend! Give them furry family members a hug cause no matter how we love them, they´re not with us long. Our doggie will be staying with man´s two American teammates tomorrow after the game, if we dont come home that is. Its so fun that everyone likes doggie, you can always find someone to babysit her.


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